Little Stars at Bow Brickhill:- 
(Nursery, Breakfast & After school  club)
: 07966 090 615 (active 8am-6pm Monday to Thursday) (active 8am-17:30pm Friday)
Little Stars at Swallowfield:-
(After school club only)
:07984898326 (only active from 3.30pm-6pm Monday to Thursday)
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Our Under Two provision

nature trail

Our Under Two provision

Our Twinkle Stars

Within our setting we have a good sized under Two provision. We only cater for 6 under Twos per session to allow all of the children to have plenty of room to explore their environment and have enough space to develop those important mobility skills, such as crawling and walking.
We have one staff member per three children in every session and this staff member will be your child’s individual key person.

Our room is developed with the children in mind. All resources are on a level that is fully accessible which enables all of the children to explore and access any resources they wish to. We have plenty of opportunities for the under Twos to cruise, pull themselves up and walkers to assist them when they want to take their first few steps. When our under Twos have mastered their walking skills, we offer a variety of equipment to enable them to develop their skills further, such as climbing frames and wheel along toys.

We are very conscious that from 6 months up to 24 months children establish ‘object permanence’. This means they become more aware of the presence or absence of their parents or primary carers. This can make separations much more distressing and difficult between 6–24 months. Therefore, we ensure we have a strong and well-established key person approach that runs alongside ways to calm the children. We achieve this by gaining as much information from you as a parent/carer before your child starts at our setting. We ask you to complete a detailed ‘all about me profile’. This gives us in depth information about your child such as how they like to be comforted, when they sleep and eat, what makes them happy or sad, what they like and dislike. This allows your child’s key person plenty of time to plan for and support your child once they start the setting. We also ask each family of a child to send lots of pictures of family members and familiar toys from home, so we can create a ‘Home Book’ for each child. We have found this really helps children regulate themselves, whilst getting comforted by their key person if they become upset.  

We have a high regard to the under twos and their communication and language skills. The staff continually narrate your child’s day and expose them to language rich experiences such as action songs, daily reading, and lots of gestures to support the children’s communication skills. We have introduced Makaton sign language into our setting and ensure it is regularly used within our under twos room as a form of communication. We teach all our children basic signs such as ‘please’, ‘thank you’, ‘more’, ‘help’, ‘drink’, ‘food’. We then build on these signs and relate our weekly sign to something current within the under two provision. 

Settling in: 

We offer 6 settling sessions over a 2-3 week period. We start with 1 hour sessions and gradually build this up to a 3 hour session over the two weeks. After this your child can start their requested sessions on a regular basis. We fully recognise this is a big step for yourself and your child and appreciate all children are different. So we can tweak our settling sessions if needed and we can discuss and agree the best plan for you and your child during your enrolment.

Our daily communication: 

All of our under twos have daily communication logs on TAPESTRY. Your child’s key person will continually add entries throughout the day whilst your child is attending the setting. This will include observations, nappy changes, mealtimes, milk feeds, sleep as well as any comments on how they have been throughout their day. We encourage parents/carers to use TAPESTRY as a form of communication to let the key person know any changes with your child’s routine or any general information you would like to share.

Our curriculum:

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage for all our children. Paying particular attention to the 3 prime areas for the children that are under two years old. We monitor your child’s progress and plan individual activities based on your child’s interests, any areas they are working towards and any additional information you as parents/carers can provide. We ensure our under twos are provided with a wide range of interesting and stimulating activities and experiences daily both inside and outside. Also including sensory play, messy play and music and movement sessions.

Opening hours and sessions available

Hours we are open:
  • Monday to Thursday 8am - 6pm
  • Friday 8am - 17:30pm
Sessions we offer: 
  •  All day - 8am to 6pm / 17:30pm 
  • Morning - 8am / 9am to 1pm
  • School day 8am / 9am to 3pm 
Contact us:

Setting Phone Number: 07966 090 615

Nursery/pre school :

Address: The Sports Pavilion, Rushmere Close, Bow Brickhill, Milton Keynes, Mk17 9JB

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For more information about our setting at Bow Brickhill,
call us now on 07966 090 615
The Sports Pavilion, Rushmere Close, Bow Brickhill, Milton Keynes, Mk17 9JB
For more information on our Afterschool Club in Woburn Sands (Swallowfield school)
call us now on 07984 898 326
Weathercock close, Woburn Sands, MK17 8SL
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